Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Donut Adventures

My family loves donuts. So as soon as we heard about a new donut place, we just had to check it out. This place is on the west side of Columbus and known as Amy's Donuts. The thing that makes Amy's Donut's unique, is that alone: her donuts are very unique. Most people don't go to a donut shop and come back with donuts that look like this:

From left to right: Dirty Worm, Maple Bacon, Blueberry Cake, Zesty Lemon,
Twix, Elvis Donut, Chocolate Old Fashion, Chunky Monkey
Peanut, Cherry Frosted, Cherry Frosted, Strawberry Shortcake

I'm pretty sure it took my family of four twenty minutes for each of us to pick out three donuts. There are so many options and just when you think you've decided on one, another one catches your eye. This donuts are delicious and I would highly suggest going there if you love donuts (or even if you don't).

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